Annual Tree Sale
It's time to get your fruit tree orders in! The deadline to order is Monday, March 5, 2025. Order early! Orders are reserved on a first received basis. We are only offering a limited selection of fruit trees and wildflower mix. Tree sizes will vary and availability is controlled by the nursery.

Pick-up dates are scheduled for Wednesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 10th, from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. REMINDERS WILL NOT BE SENT UNLESS THE PICK-UP DATES CHANGE.

Proceeds from our annual tree sale are used to fund scholarships to both Allegany College of Maryland and Frostburg State University. You can help by "rounding up" your tree total or send a separate check made payable to ASCD in the amount you want to donate. Write "Scholarship" in the memo line of your check.